Category: Climate Justice

The Lobby Room: Our Best Year Yet!

Thanks to the congregation, we had a great year in the Lobby Room with over 3100 legislative contacts reported! Some highlights of the legislation are described below. The Lobby Room is a collaboration between EUUC Social Justice Committees, specifically Advocates for Women, Peace & Justice, and … read more.

Lobby Room Wraps up with Victories

Post-Session Wrap

The Lobby Room wrapped up in early March after logging 796 contacts with our state legislators! Many thanks to all who participated. We had some notable successes including: enhancing abortion access, allocating funds for launching a Medicaid-like program for immigrants, and improving the working family … read more.

Women and Climate Change: Victims and Activists

Climate Change is human-driven but not created equally among Nations. Nor does it affect people equitably: the effects are most felt by those nations that participated least in the consumerism and addiction to fossil fuels that has driven Climate Change. Across the world, women and … read more.