Adopt A Stream Foundation was established to ensure that Pacific Northwest streams continue to provide healthy spawning and rearing habitat for salmon, trout, steelhead, and other wildlife and to maintain clean drinking water. Their mission is carried out by producing environmental education materials; providing stream & wetland technical assistance; and the Development of the Northwest Stream Center.
Funds will be used for various aspects of their work including:
1. Fish barrier removal; 2. Beaver management; 3. Streambank protection and enhancement; 4. Wetland enhancement and restoration; and 5. Education at all grade levels and for the public.
See video:
For more information please reach out to Sunday Offering
Two ways to give to Sunday Offering electronically
- Click on this link and you will arrive at the EUUC Breeze donation webpage. Use the first dropdown menu to select “Give to Sunday Offering”
- Text to give at this number: 425-333-2229. Simply key in that number to your phone, and respond to the prompts to enter the amount you would like to donate. The gift will default to EUUC’s general operations fund unless you add CAUSE to direct it towards the Sunday Offering.