This month the Peace & Justice committee voted to add EUUC’s name as an endorsement to two letters to government officials.
One is a letter from the League of Women Voters to the Snohomish County Council, recommending adoption of the proposed new policy on urban tree canopy as a high priority relating to climate change. We join many local organizations endorsing this request, which will be sent mid-February.
The other is a letter by Gayle Leberg, to the State Senate committee considering HB 1099, which would update the Growth Management Act to ensure communities are planning for climate resiliency and not contributing to the climate crisis.
You can read both letters below. Come to the virtual Lobby Room on Feb 13 at 4 p.m. to send your own comments on HB 1099 and other bills!
In 2016 EUUC members adopted the Congregational Stand on Climate Justice, which enabled the committee to vote to sign these letters on behalf of the congregation.
Endorsement of the Urban Tree Canopy Policy.2.8
Pro HB1099 climate-GMA 02-22