Building a Culture of Inclusion: the 8th Principle

We are called to build a Beloved Community. We are continuing our journey toward dismantling racism and oppression.  We have shifted in our social consciousness and are continuing to make changes as we look at our inclusive actions,  address our goals for working toward long term cultural change, and  stand in solidarity with social movements of our times.

Be sure to watch our service on April 24: 50 Years of Title IX: Widening the Circle and Bending the Arc as we welcome Paula Cole Jones back to celebrate the struggles and gains of Title IX and to reflect on why we must keep working together.

We often talk about women breaking through the glass ceiling, but the gains are not made without a lot of effort, and they are not sustainable without structures to support them.  Fifty years ago, the passage of Title IX restructured inclusion to mean a United States “free of discrimination based on sex, including sexual orientation and gender identity.”

The afternoon of the April 24th, the Racial Justice Committee is sponsoring an online workshop/consultation led by Paula Cole Jones that introduces the 8th Principle and new frameworks for building a culture of inclusion, a Beloved Community.
We are honored to welcome  Paula Cole Jones who will lead this live Workshop:  Building a Culture of Inclusion.  She is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist and a Management Consultant with over twenty years of experience in designing and facilitating workshops and dialogues.  Some of her many accomplishments include: the founder of ADORE, A Dialogue on Race & Ethnicity; the author of a UU World Magazine cover story, Reconciliation as a Spiritual Discipline; the editor of a Skinner House Book, Encounters: Poems about Race, Ethnicity and Identity; a contributing author to the Skinner House Book UUA Common Read, Justice on Earth.
  • April 24, 2022
  • Time:  1 to 4 p.m. with a 30-minute break
  • Room: ZOOM link provided to those pre-registered
  • Facilitator: Paula Cole Jones
  • Sign up here: and put “Building a Culture of Inclusion” under Class Name