What is a best practice?

A best practice is information that describes the best way to accomplish a task in normal circumstances and that is not established as a policy. The best practice can be a procedure, tip, explanation, or any other information that members, friends, and staff need to know.

Adding or Updating a best practice

Creating or modifying a best practice is a simple two-step process.

  1. A church leader, such as a Board member, staff person, committee member, or interest group leader, writes or revises the information.
  2. The church leader emails the document to the Web Manager who edits the information and posts it on the website.

Deleting a best practice

  1. The Board, a committee, or a staff person emails the Web Manager and requests that the information be deleted.  The email indicates the URL and the specific content to be removed.
  2. The Web Manager removes the information from the website.