Music Sunday – live streamed on the EUUC Facebook page
Video of Service
My name is Eric Kaminetzky. I serve as Minister for this community, and I would love to have you join us for a few Sundays to see if this is a good place for you.
If you are hoping to get involved in the life and work of our community and you would like to make a volunteer support appointment please use the same link below to send me an email.
I look forward to welcoming you.
Video of Service
OPENING WORDS: Eric Book of Hours, II, 22 — Rainer Maria Rilke Love Poems to God, II, 22 You are the future, the red sky before sunrise over the fields of time. You are the cock’s crow when night is done, you are the dew and the bells of matins, maiden, stranger, mother, death. You … Continue reading ReRun
Music by Adult and Youth Choirs
Listen Music by Fa-La Sisterhood and Joyful Noise One Service only at 10:00 a.m.
Music: Adult Choir