Timeline for Leaders
Planning tool
This timeline is meant as an approximate calendar of dates for committee chairs, staff, and other church leaders. While we expect these activities to happen each each year, plans can change. Some activites might be cancelled or rescheduled. Watch The CommUUnicator and This Week at EUUC for actual dates and further details.
- Church fiscal year – begins on July 1
- Annual Reports – Outgoing chairs (including Board President) submit Annual Reports to the administrator.
- Members – Membership contacts members who have not fulfilled their membership responsibilities.
- Summer Camp-Out
- Clean-Up – cleaning, repairing, and otherwise making the building and grounds more aesthetically pleasing and usable
- Ingathering – generally the Sunday after Labor Day
- Seabeck – All-ages retreat which is usually on the 3rd weekend
- Annual Report – members receive the Annual Report
- Farmers Market – held by Social Concerns
- Leadership Gathering – Chairs and other leaders meet for furthering collaboration and sharing useful tips and other information
- Budget requests – Committees begin developing their budget requests for the next fiscal year.
- Art Show – Clean, paint, and physically prepare the building
- Art Show Breakdown – usually on the last weekend in October we pack up the entire church in preparation for the Art Show.
- Art Show – 1st weekend in November
- Art Show Resurrection – putting the church back together
- Official Membership count for Unitarian Universalist Association
- Budget request notices – Finance and the Treasurer send notices to committees asking for their budget requests for the next fiscal year
- Giving Tree – Social Concerns
- Cold Weather Shelter – Social Concerns
- Budget requests – committees and groups submit their budget requests to the Treasurer
- Mitten Tree
- Toy Shop – Social Concerns
- If desired, submit a proposal for the Auction Fund-a-Need project
- Budget conversations – The Board holds congregational conversations about the budget requests from committees and groups
- Canvass – begins on Chocolate Sunday which is the Sunday closest to Valentine’s Day.
- Chocolate Sunday – hosted by Canvass
- Auction – late March or early April
- Congregational converstations about the budget for the next fiscal year
- Scheduling committee meetings – The Administrator asks chairs and group leaders to request room reservations for their meetings and events in the upcoming fiscal year.
- Book Sale – the last three weekends in April
- Rummage Sale – the 1st weekend in May
- New members are invited to a potluck hosted by the Board in late May.
- Annual Reports – The Administrator asks committee chairs, the Board President, and staff to submit annual reports. The reports tell
- what happened in the last year
- goals and plans for the coming fiscal year
- Church year ends on June 30.