P & J Welcomes You to Join Us in Climate Work

The Peace and Justice Committee is focused on responding to and supporting efforts to reduce green house gas emissions.  There are many fronts upon which to direct our activities. In the past, we were often engaged in marches, testifying against projects and more. However, the battle is shifting. Now we have a legislature prepared to act. We have local governments adopting strong climate goals. We have a new House of Representatives in DC.  As a result, our work is very dynamic. We work to hone our skills and find meaningful ways to insure the success of these new opportunities, while still using our voices in activism.

Because the arena is constantly changing, you will find that this space will get updated as our efforts evolve.

The Lobby Room

EUUC lobbyists in action!

“This is awesome” ;“I feel so empowered”; “Gosh, it’s so easy to become an activist in 5 minutes”. These are some of the quotes that were heard in The Lobby Room after services.  People walk in and a host quickly helps them zero in on what they’d like to do:

Sign postcards for selected bills or write your own.

Quickly learn to use the Wash. Legislative website to support or oppose bills.

Pick up handouts/sample communications for at home activism.

Sometimes treats augment the good conversation that makes the whole experience fun and satisfying.  Please come often, as we are shepherding these bills through multiple committees and finally to the floor of both chambers.

Youth Climate Strikes on Friday March 15

This strike is part of a rising, youth-led worldwide movement. A Seattle event will take place from 10 AM to 1 PM at Cal Anderson Park 1635 11th Ave, Seattle.  This strike is in concert with the worldwide student movement that originally started in Sweden by a single 15-year-old girl, Grete Thunberg. See her speech at the UN COP24 in Poland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFkQSGyeCWgHer movement  has now spread throughout Europe and Australia.  The Peace & Justice Committee would be interested in working with families and youth  who would like to get the word out about this event. P & J would also support organizing and transportation efforts.  peaceandjustice.rsvp@EUUC.org.

Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is in the news everywhere. What is it? How can we help it get a hearing in congress?  P & J intends to bring opportunities to learn more about The Green New Deal in the coming months.


We are working with Snohomish County Climate Alliance (SCCA), Faith Action Network, and JUUstice Washington.  Already Snohomish County has passed 100% renewable electricity by 2030!  With our partners in the SCCA, we will follow the work of the county and keep the pressure on to insure that the resolution is more than words.  If you would be interested in attending occasional council meetings, contact P & J. Also,if you would like to learn more about groups in Snohomish County and their activities centered on climate, join the SCCA Facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/203418940244963/?multi_permalinks=361186501134872%2C361197801133742&notif_id=1550789823497868&notif_t=group_activity

Edmonds Marsh

120 dedicated Edmonds residents have joined “Save Our Marsh”, a grassroots group focusing on restoring the Edmonds Marsh. Several years of lobbying and working closely with the City of Edmonds has resulted in a commitment by the City  to create a fund which will be used to obtain matching funds for marsh restoration and to enhance its salmon habitat. There remains much work to be done – volunteers are needed! This is a wonderful opportunity to build connections with our local environmental community. For more information, check out the Sierra Club Save Our Marsh page at:  https://www.sierraclub.org/washington/edmonds-marsh

 North Seattle Lateral Pipeline Upgrade

This fracked-gas pipeline expansion project is being contested by many groups. We are following the Snohomish County permitting progress on the pipeline expansion from Maltby to Lynnwood (currently on hold). There will be opportunities to comment and to help reject this infrastructure project that would move Washington in the wrong direction when it comes to fossil fuels. For more information, please see https://actionnetwork.org/campaigns/nslu