There are many types of volunteers needed for each Sunday:

Welcome Desk

The Welcome Desk volunteers have three primary goals:

  • welcoming visitors
  • collecting contact information
  • tracking how often visitors return

Welcome Desk Instructions


Greeters are the first friendly faces you encounter when you walk through the doors of EUUC, they say hello and open the doors for you. They guide you to the Welcome Desk if you are new and to Chapman Hall if you are late.

Greeter Instructions


Ushers are the friendly faces at the doors to Chapman Hall. They help guide you into service and assist in finding a seat or a space for a wheelchair when needed. They provide hearing assist devices and collect them, help distribute hymnals and pick them up. Ushers are folks you can talk to and ask questions if you have them.

Usher Instructions

Social Justice Desk

What you will need to do on Sunday:

Look in the top right drawer of the Social Justice Desk for the instruction binder. Information from the “Social Justice Quick Check for SJ Desk Volunteers” document is on the cover of the binder. A copy of the “Social Justice Overview for SJ Desk Volunteers” is included in the instruction binder.

Thank you for volunteering!  If you have any questions, please contact social justice council.

Coffee hosts

Every week we provide coffee, tea and other items for the coffee hour after Sunday services. How to participate and the way to make and break down coffee service coming soon.  Any questions, please contact the Coffee Hour Coordinator

Audio Video team

Every week we provide we provide technical support for the audio and live streaming of Sunday services. How to participate is coming soon.  Any questions, please contact Audio Video team