Category: This Week at EUUC

Curious about the All Ages Nature Immersion and Creative Gratitude on April 21?

Our Earth Day services this year and last year introduced us to the culture of reciprocity, and responsibility to the natural world of which we are a part.  Many of us have read and been inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer’s teachings in Braiding Sweetgrass.  We feel called to deepen our connection to the more-than-human world.  (In … Continue reading Curious about the All Ages Nature Immersion and Creative Gratitude on April 21?

Social Justice Council Advocates for a Ceasefire in the Middle East

The Social Justice Council urges EUUC community members to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Israel/Palestine to prevent the ongoing inhumane loss of life. Grounded in our Unitarian Universalist values of peace and justice, we join with our faith neighbors in advocating for a just end to this crisis rooted in collective liberation, solidarity, … Continue reading Social Justice Council Advocates for a Ceasefire in the Middle East

Help Us Achieve 100% Clean Energy in Snohomish County School Districts!

School electrification can make a big difference in carbon emissions. Not only are school buildings contributing to the 40% of emissions from buildings in Washington State, but diesel school buses also pollute the air inside them and out. Therefore, a focus on decarbonizing schools and student transportation will have the dual benefit of tackling climate … Continue reading Help Us Achieve 100% Clean Energy in Snohomish County School Districts!

EUUC Endorses Letters Seeking Climate Action by Local and State Legislators

This month the Peace & Justice committee voted to add EUUC’s name as an endorsement to two letters to government officials. One is a letter from the League of Women Voters to the Snohomish County Council, recommending adoption of the proposed new policy on urban tree canopy as a high priority relating to climate change. … Continue reading EUUC Endorses Letters Seeking Climate Action by Local and State Legislators

EUUC signs on to support youth in their climate lawsuit – Juliana v United States

The Peace & Justice committee voted to sign EUUC on to an organizational letter to the US Department of Justice, requesting they reverse their legal position that the youth plaintiffs in Juliana v United States have no right to access the courts to vindicate their constitutional rights when they are in a health- and life-threatening controversy … Continue reading EUUC signs on to support youth in their climate lawsuit – Juliana v United States