You can help EUUC right now

Now more than ever, we need your help in upholding our Unitarian Universalist values by supporting our congregation and our staff. Our congregation is fully funded by your generosity (and research shows that when we give, we get healthier and happier) so please give generously!

By clicking the button below, you can access a form and use a dropdown menu to:

1. Give directly to EUUC’s Operations

Simple and secure. Fulfill your pledge, give a single gift, or schedule a recurring gift using your checking account, debit or credit card.

2. Give to the Social Justice Fund

Empowering our Social Justice teams to organize and support important actions and causes.

3. Give to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund

This fund helps our community with emergency funding for community members in the deepest need.

4. Give to Sunday Offering Cause of the Month

EUUC extends our reach every month by supporting organizations engaged in environmental action, peace and justice education and advocacy, or social justice projects.

Current Cause of the month is: Pink Haven Coalition.   See Sunday Offering page for more details.




Make a Pledge to give for the coming year

Annual pledging gives each of us the opportunity to connect with how we are living our mission and aligning our money with our values. It also makes for healthy organizational financial planning. We need your commitments now more than ever so we can plan.