
Gathering Together

Nurturing the Spirit

Living Our Vision

of a Just and Sustainable World

Understanding our Mission

“Gathering together” is the central act of a religious community.  We come together to offer each other comfort and courage, to find others who share our values and hopes.  We gather as a community in worship, affirming our commitment to our Unitarian Universalist faith.  We gather in small groups, as well, to learn and grow, to play and work, and to make music, sing and dance together.

“Nurturing the spirit” is the essence of church life.  Be it through worship, meditation, music, literature, art, study, or connections with others, we aim to be a community that encourages spiritual growth and nurtures the wholeness in each of us.

“Living our vision of a just and sustainable world” is the expression of our religious values in all that we do.  Be it through environmental action, peace and justice education and advocacy, or social justice projects, it is our mission to contribute to our local community and the world at large.



Building on the solid foundation provided by our EUUC forebears and guided by our Unitarian Universalist principles, we are a congregation that strives to:

Live in Fellowship

We will be a place of inclusion and safety, where friendships take root and flourish.  Newcomers will be welcomed warmly and will stay to join us.  Drawing from many sources of wisdom, our worship services will be spiritually nurturing, emotionally stirring and intellectually satisfying – filled with music, laughter and shared community.  Interest groups, programs, activities and classes will sustain lifelong learning, fellowship and personal discovery.  We will support families in our joint mission of passing on progressive and humane values to our children and youth.

Embrace All

We will be a congregation both reflecting and accepting of diverse theological and cultural beliefs.  We will cultivate and encourage relationships with people of all abilities, ethnicities and sexual orientations.  Individuals with physical and emotional challenges will feel comfortable and supported within our walls and community. Intergenerational programs will keep all ages connected and learning from each other.

Make a Difference

Emboldened by our practice of profound and unconditional love, we will initiate, finance and execute meaningful social justice projects, increasingly becoming a respected and well-recognized voice of social conscience in the wider community. We will model and tirelessly promote sustainable environmental practices. We will engage in individual and collective actions that will make manifest our commitment to the transformations needed to sustain our planet.

Model Excellence

We will be a healthy congregation.  Our members will consider the financial and organizational well-being of our church to be a priority.  Our minister, professional staff, board, committees and volunteers will work harmoniously and with good will to apportion their time and our resources with fairness, justice, compassion and efficiency.  We will maintain and enhance our physical, mechanical and technical facilities for growth, communication, comfort, accessibility and inspiration.