Peace & Justice
The Peace & Justice committee has a long and rich history of advocacy, public witness, and leadership in the community. We focus on building a world that is sustainable and just, through:
- Strong local climate action
- Protecting our democracy
- Working with community partners
Who are we?
We are fun, hopeful, committed people who have a vision of a just and sustainable world. We seek to inspire, educate, and advocate — nurturing fellowship and action within EUUC and beyond. We make a difference. We enrich our work by offering each other comfort, courage, friendship, and strength through our shared values and mission.
We would love to have you join us!
All are welcome! The Climate Justice team meets at 7 pm on the first Thursday of the month by zoom, September to June, with a retreat/social gathering in summer. Reach out to us for the zoom info!
Contact our Co-Chairs: Gayle Leberg, Cindy Creager, and Julie Taylor
Affiliated Teams
The Peace & Justice committee focuses on core issues. The most urgent problem to be addressed is the climate crisis, but we cannot make any progress in this or any other justice issue, without also addressing the corruption of our democracy. The main committee focuses on the climate crisis, and we sponsor the Democracy Action and Sno-King Meaningful Movies teams.
Peace & Justice Committee Mission
Be present in the world, discerning which issues call us to act to bend the arc of justice toward our vision of a just and sustainable world.
Be present in our community, as leaders and collaborators, to amplify our ability to make changes locally and beyond.
Be present in our congregation, to inspire, energize, and aid in connecting hearts to action.
Peace & Justice Events
Peace & Justice News
See also the topics in the menu on the left under “Transforming Our World” for news.
- Curious about the All Ages Nature Immersion and Creative Gratitude on April 21? April 17, 2024Our Earth Day services this year and last year introduced us to the culture of reciprocity, and responsibility to the natural world of which we are a part. Many of us have read and been inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer’s teachings in Braiding Sweetgrass. We feel called to deepen our connection to the more-than-human world. (In ...Read More
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women workshop Saturday April 13, 11 am – 3 pm at EUUC April 2, 2024We are pleased to present Carolyn DeFord, a member of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians, at a Faceless Dolls workshop. This workshop will connect us more deeply to the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People (MMIWP). DeFord has presented this workshop to both Native and non-Native audiences around the state. Its presentation ...Read More
- Social Justice Council Advocates for a Ceasefire in the Middle East January 30, 2024The Social Justice Council urges EUUC community members to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Israel/Palestine to prevent the ongoing inhumane loss of life. Grounded in our Unitarian Universalist values of peace and justice, we join with our faith neighbors in advocating for a just end to this crisis rooted in collective liberation, solidarity, ...Read More
- The Lobby Room Re-Opens for Justice in Washington State! December 30, 2023The Lobby Room puts our faith into action by helping you support bills that align with our Social Justice Priorities. This is our opportunity to let our legislators know where we stand and help or hinder the progress of bills towards law. Many challenges await the 2024 state legislature’s the short legislative session, which spans ...Read More
- The Lobby Room: Our Best Year Yet! April 29, 2023Thanks to the congregation, we had a great year in the Lobby Room with over 3100 legislative contacts reported! Some highlights of the legislation are described below. The Lobby Room is a collaboration between EUUC Social Justice Committees, specifically Advocates for Women, Peace & Justice, and Racial Justice. Teams from each committee review the legislative agendas ...Read More
- We Have to Nip “Cop Cities” in the Bud April 25, 2023First Chicago, then Atlanta, and now other cities are talking about building police training facilities designed to train police in urban combat and citizen control. This is a horrific idea for a number of reasons: –Police are already too aggressive, with police killings increasing every year since 2017, topping out at 1,096 in 2022, disproportionately killing ...Read More
- What’s so bad about Crisis Pregnancy Centers? January 18, 2023If you’ve been around the reproductive justice movement at all, you’ve probably heard the term “crisis pregnancy center.” Not just an annoyance, crisis pregnancy centers do real harm to real people. Here’s a rundown of what’s bad about them. What harm do CPCs do? Crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), also called “pregnancy resource centers”, or “pregnancy care clinics”, ...Read More
- The 2023 Lobby Room Heats Up! January 17, 2023Many challenges await the 2023 state legislature’s 105-day budget session, which starts January 10. Let’s build on our past successes to promote those bills that our mission and UU principles guide us to support. Only one week later, bills are beginning to move quickly, so action is needed! Bills We Recommend The Lobby Room group has ...Read More
- 400 Abortion Aftercare Kits from Our Work Party January 2, 2023In the quiet time between Christmas and New Year, 17 members and friends of Advocates for Women, the Racial Justice Committee, and the Reproductive Justice Work Group held a work party at EUUC to put together abortion aftercare kits. Planned Parenthood of Seattle provided the supplies and we provided the brawn. Together we assembled about ...Read More
- How to talk about abortion: A post-Roe mini-workshop, Wed Oct. 26, 7 pm via Zoom October 10, 2022Many of us are uneasy when we contemplate talking about abortion with friends and relatives, especially those who are not in full agreement with us. Yet, now more than ever, it is critical to have those conversations to engage hearts and minds. What you will learn In this mini-workshop, you will learn about leading with values and ...Read More