Reviving Democracy
The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process
within our congregations and in society at large.
— 5th UU Principle
Involving People in Democracy
Increasingly, our government ignores the will of the people, making us feel powerless. We believe we can and must speak up! There is hope in people exercising their rights. Some of the ways that we help empower our congregation:
- Offer letters to legislators and public comment opportunities
- Host forums related to initiatives or current issues
- Maintain Legislative Actions email list for those who wish to be alerted to action in the state legislature (sign up by contacting the Peace & Justice co-chairs)
- Attend lobby days in Olympia
- Attend rallies and protests
- Stand up for civil and human rights
- Partner with UU Voices for Justice and Faith Action Network
Corrupting Influence of Money
We cannot make any progress in any social justice issues until we solve the corruption of money in politics. The congregation felt so strongly about this, they passed a Congregational Stand. Examples of related topics:
- Highlighting connections between money and issues such as gun control, climate justice, racial justice, and the war economy
- Revealing dark money connections
- Passing a constitutional amendment to state that money and corporations do not warrant 1st amendment protection
- Gerrymandering
- Voter suppression
- Lobbying
- Electoral college reform
- Rising economic and political inequality
Scroll down for current events and news. Read more about past efforts.
To be kept up-to-date on activities and news in our region related to money in politics and corruption of democracy, ask the Peace & Justice co-chairs to add you to the Money Out of Politics email discussion list.
Would you like to help or learn more?
Reviving democracy is one of the main focuses of the Peace & Justice Committee. All are welcome! We usually meet on the third Thursday of the month, at 7 p.m. in Rooms 1 & 2. Check the calendar for our next meeting.
Contact Peace and Justice
- Social Justice Council Advocates for a Ceasefire in the Middle East January 30, 2024The Social Justice Council urges EUUC community members to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Israel/Palestine to prevent the ongoing inhumane loss of life. Grounded in our Unitarian Universalist values of peace and justice, we join with our faith neighbors in advocating for a just end to this crisis rooted in collective liberation, solidarity, ...Read More
- The Lobby Room Re-Opens for Justice in Washington State! December 30, 2023The Lobby Room puts our faith into action by helping you support bills that align with our Social Justice Priorities. This is our opportunity to let our legislators know where we stand and help or hinder the progress of bills towards law. Many challenges await the 2024 state legislature’s the short legislative session, which spans ...Read More
- The 2023 Lobby Room Heats Up! January 17, 2023Many challenges await the 2023 state legislature’s 105-day budget session, which starts January 10. Let’s build on our past successes to promote those bills that our mission and UU principles guide us to support. Only one week later, bills are beginning to move quickly, so action is needed! Bills We Recommend The Lobby Room group has ...Read More
- Supreme ─ but No Longer Esteemed ─ Court May 23, 2022For the first time in its history the Supreme Court is poised to eliminate an existing constitutional right. The court is reducing women’s autonomy as humans entitled to control their own lives. The court is subjugating a class of people to be controlled by legislators who largely fall outside the group. Help Women Seeking Abortions From May ...Read More
- Lobby Room Wraps up with Victories March 27, 2022Post-Session Wrap The Lobby Room wrapped up in early March after logging 796 contacts with our state legislators! Many thanks to all who participated. We had some notable successes including: enhancing abortion access, allocating funds for launching a Medicaid-like program for immigrants, and improving the working family tax credit. In the area of climate, we helped pass ...Read More
- Lobby Room on the Home Stretch – Take Action Now! April 3, 2021Lobby Room is one way that EUUC puts Faith into Action. The Lobby Room group has reviewed 2021 bills, especially those recommended by our allies working for Climate Justice, Racial Justice, and for Women and Families. We’ve selected 12 bills to focus on this year and some of them have now passed both chambers! These ...Read More
- THE POWER OF ONE January 2, 2021One person, Rimas Miksys, at, asked members to write 10 postcards a week to people in North Carolina to register to vote. That request grew to over 100 people handwriting the message as well as addressing the postcards. One person, Gary McCaig, asked people at the EUUC’s Coffee and Politics group if anyone else wanted ...Read More
- EUUC Lobby Room Opens January 27 January 21, 2019“Easy, fun and effective.” Those are the hopes of the EUUC Peace & Justice Committee as they open a place where EUUC members can make their justice voices heard in the halls of Olympia, city hall and more. How does it Work? P & J members will have: Postcards, pens, colors and other supplies Addresses of key office holders Names of ...Read More
- Talking to Your Friends about I-1631 – Getting the Facts Straight October 23, 2018From the Field Director of Yes on 1631, the initiative for clean energy and jobs: Friends, We always knew this election was going to be close. All indications say every vote is going to matter. Now that we’ve been inundated by Oil Industry ads for months many of you are having near constant conversations with your friends, family and ...Read More
- Thank You From the NW UU Justice Summit Organizers October 23, 2018Here is Cecilia’s sermon at the Summit:Listen Dear EUUC members and friends, THANK YOU for hosting the 2018 NW Justice Summit. This Summit saw the launch of the new UU state action network for Washington, called JUUstice Washington. Your friends on the EUUC Summit host team were terrific, from soup, to songs, to sounding the gong. The ...Read More