Many challenges await the 2023 state legislature’s 105-day budget session, which starts January 10. Let’s build on our past successes to promote those bills that our mission and UU principles guide us to support. Only one week later, bills are beginning to move quickly, so action is needed!
Bills We Recommend
The Lobby Room group has reviewed 2023 bills, especially those recommended by our allies working for Climate Justice, Community Engagement, Democracy, Racial Justice, and for Justice for Women and Families. We have a slate of recommended bills along with actions you can take here. On that page you will also find links to other bills recommended by our Social Justices Committees. You can also sign up on for short, specific Legislative Action Alerts on bills that fall under the broad rubric of Reproductive Justice via this form.
Zoom parties
Join our first Legislative Action Zoom Party of 2023! Monday, Jan 16, 4-5:30 pm
Join us on Martin Luther King Day for our first Legislative Action party! Taking action is great way to do celebrate that holiday. We’ll give you all the info you need, making taking action easy as pie. We’ll talk about the upcoming session, tour the website, and provide templates, tips and talking points for communicating with your electeds.
Zoom Party: Legislative Priorities for Reproductive Justice
Weds. Feb. 8, 7-8:30 pm
At this gathering, members of Advocates for Women and the Reproductive Justice Work Group will lead a teach-in on the bills before the Washington legislature that pertain to goals of Reproductive Justice. We will present bills designed to limit religious interference in health care, providing safe and healthy environments for raising children, and eliminating disparities in access to reproductive health care.
We may have more parties, some focusing on a specific topic or others just to provide a convivial update and dedicated time to contact your legislators.
Cumulative tally of legislative actions through the 2023 Lobby Room
1/16/23: 83 contacts
1/23/23: 316 contacts
2/1/23: 614 contacts
2/15/23: 1048 contacts
3/5/23: 1639 contacts
3/19/23: 2309 contacts
Submitted by Marilyn Parsons for the Lobby Room.