Improving the Lives of Women for more than a Decade!

Our Mission

We believe that enhancing the lives of women makes the world better for all. Recognizing the intersectional effects of gender, racial and economic inequities, we strive to maintain a learning mindset. We work to advance reproductive justice, gender equity, and women’s well-being through advocacy, giving, and education, with compassion and respect for all who identify as women.

This year’s focus is Women: Politics, Law, and Justice

In 2024-2025,  we will be educating, advocating and raising funds dedicated to justice for women. In this critical election year, we will examine the role of women in politics and the law, both as leaders and affected citizens. 

Upcoming events and contact information:

12/1 Sunday 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Monthly meeting, RE-5 and Zoom

12/19 Thursday 11:00 am – 12:45 pm.  Visit to Cascadia Art Museum, NW Women Artists exhibit, lunch following

1/6 Monday 6-7 pm Monthly Meeting via Zoom

For more, check out our calendar. Contact: Advocates For Women

Our Work

Participation and leadership of and by women is essential to addressing local, national, and global disparities and injustices, particularly those suffered by women. We seek to help women locally and globally by:

  • raising money or acquiring products for non-profit organizations which help women (see Fundraising for Women for details)
  • raising awareness among ourselves and the congregation about challenges facing women (see Advocacy and Awareness for more)

Recent donations

We are excited to announce the major recipients of our pledge funds for 2023-2024..  They are:

We have also donated to Worldwide Fistula Fund to fund one surgical treatment of obstetric fistula. In July 2023, we co-sponsored a concert by Otto Cantanti and Dave and the Dalmations which raised $1892 for Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and Northern Idaho. Our 2024 spring fundraiser for Innovations Human Trafficking Collaborative raised $1910 to purchase gift cards for indigenous women and others fleeing sex trafficking in SW Washington State.

Recent programs on Reproductive Justice and on Indigenous Women

Last year we focused on Indigenous Women, with an emphasis on empowering young women and girls and on gender-base violence. Donations are described above and  educational events are detailed on this page

In 2022-2023, we spearheaded the approval of a Congregational Stand that states: Reproductive Justice is a Fundamental Human Right. This Stand is based on the proposal by the Sister Song Collective that all people have the right to bodily autonomy, to bear or not bear children, and to raise their children in a safe and healthy environment. 

Wins in the 2024 Washington Legislature

Our wins included timely bills supporting reproductive rights and protections from gender-based violence, including deep fake images. The Keep Our Care Act, which addresses the takeover of health systems by religious entities, made progress this year, but more work is needed. Substantial bills aimed at financial assistance for families saw little success.

Meetings For Work and Play

Each month, September through June, we meet via Zoom on first Mondays (odd-numbered months, 6 pm) or in person/hybrid on first Sundays (even-numbered months, 11:30 am) to plan and reconnect. Check our calendar or email Advocates For Women for the latest details. We work collaboratively in standing groups (such as those that organize our book discussions or state legislative advocacy efforts) and in planning groups that are dedicated to a single project, so there is room for participation by all who are interested. We use a democratic decision making model and follow the EUUC Covenant of Healthy Relations.

Throughout the year we gather (on Zoom or in person) for some fun times together, such as visiting museum exhibits and having lunch together. Although we don’t have business meetings In July and August, we do have one or two social events. Community is important to our success!



For More Information

Contact: Advocates For Women