The Social Justice Fund
Social justice is at the heart of EUUC’s identity.
When you pledge (or donate to) to the Social Justice Fund, you support essential programs at EUUC, in our region, and beyond. These include the EUUC car camp, Neighbors in Need cold weather shelter, Everett Interfaith Shelter, local high-poverty elementary schools, organizations promoting gender and racial equity, action and organizations related to climate justice and strengthening our democracy, and other issues related to our congregational stands.
Social Justice Pledges Transformed into Action
For 2023-2024, over $39,000 was pledged to the Social Justice Fund. Social Justice pledge funds are distributed by the Social Justice Council based on our annual budget plan and are deployed by the relevant social justice committees: Advocates for Women, Community Engagement, Peace & Justice (Climate and Democracy Teams), and Racial Justice. They use these funds to educate the congregation, amplify our hands-on work, and donate to organizations doing work consistent with our UU values. Your Social Justice Fund pledge also pays for EUUC memberships in organizations such as the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and JUUstice Northwest.
Sunday Offering donations go directly to the month’s cause (they are separate from Social Justice Pledge funds), although the Sunday Offering Committee participates in Council governance.
Your generous social justice pledge helps us bring our vision of a just and sustainable world to those outside our doors. It is our faith in action. Thank you to all who pledge or donate to the Social Justice Fund.
You can read more about our Social Justice activities here. To learn more details about how we use our Social Justice pledge funds, request the Social Justice Budget Explanation.