Many of us are uneasy when we contemplate talking about abortion with friends and relatives, especially those who are not in full agreement with us. Yet, now more than ever, it is critical to have those conversations to engage hearts and minds.
What you will learn
In this mini-workshop, you will learn about leading with values and following with facts. We will talk about shifting our language to reclaim the narrative. And we will discuss words and phrases to use or to avoid – and why.
A new model from Reproductive Justice organizations
This new philosophy on how to talk about abortion is promoted by most major Reproductive Justice organizations. In the past, the abortion discussion has been portrayed as a war, but we now focus on inclusion, intersectionality, and support. A key feature is to move beyond legal rights to include the many elements that affect access to abortion. Our workshop is based on materials provided by ProChoice Washington, and Avow, a pro-access organization deep in the state that spawned much of the latest abortion controversy – Texas.
This workshop is a collaboration of the Reproductive Justice Work Group, a newly formed intersectional Social Justice group, and Advocates for Women. It will be held Wed., Oct. 26, 7-8:30 pm via Zoom. Sign up here to register and receive the Zoom link. Please contact for more information.
Written by Marilyn Parsons and Claire Cunningham