Our Earth Day services this year and last year introduced us to the culture of reciprocity, and responsibility to the natural world of which we are a part. Many of us have read and been inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer’s teachings in Braiding Sweetgrass. We feel called to deepen our connection to the more-than-human world. (In other words, how can we humans be in relationship with the natural world, rather than dominating it? How can we go deeper than simply enjoying nature?)
On Sunday, April 21, after the service, we will actively and creatively explore some of the concepts in the first section of the book, “Planting Sweetgrass.”
We will find and observe closely an element in nature of our choosing. Children will be guided in age-appropriate observations. Adults are on their own! You can wander our beautiful grounds, or if you prefer to stay indoors, we will have some elements of nature for you to choose. The nursery will be open for the wee ones.
We will then share our observations with partners. And we will express our gratitude for the gifts we perceive, by writing simple haiku together or drawing. Along the way, we will learn about and sample some native foods.
What a soul-soothing and enriching way to spend Earth Day Sunday together!
This will last about 1-1/4 hours, so you will still have the day ahead of you afterward.
Sponsored by the Climate Team of the Peace & Justice Committee, and the Racial Justice Committee. We hope to offer additional opportunities to put the subsequent sections of the book into practice. Reading Braiding Sweetgrass is not required for participation. However, should you wish to do so, adult and young adult versions of the book are available for loan at the Social Justice desk. Audio/print/digital versions are available from libraries and shops.
Registration is not required, but is very helpful for planning. Please use this contact form, and if you have children, please indicate their ages. If you are bringing children, please bring a tablet or phone so they can take photos.
Written by Cindy Creager