Speaker: Rev. Natalie Malter

Rev. Natalie Malter is a UU minister and doctoral student in the Study of Religion at Harvard University. Her research focuses on 20th century American religious history and religious feminist movements in the 1970s U.S. She served on the editorial board of A Documentary History of Unitarian Universalism (Skinner 2017) and is passionate about the ways in which history shapes our present and our future. She is an Affiliated Community Minister at Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Congregation, and previously she worked as the Unitarian Universalist Chaplain in the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Wellesley College, where she mentored college students and supported young adult faith formation.

Winter of the Soul

In the heart of winter, we often find ourselves, much like the natural world around us, in a period of rest and hibernation. This season of cold and darkness invites us inward, into a time of contemplation and often solitude. As we yearn for the springtime that is yet to come, how do we find … Continue reading Winter of the Soul

In Search of a Durable Faith

You can watch the service live at this link In 1953 when the American Unitarian Youth and the Universalist Youth Fellowship merged to form the Liberal Religious Youth, one of the stated goals of the new organization was to help young Unitarians and Universalists “to gain a durable faith,” a faith that would support youth throughout … Continue reading In Search of a Durable Faith

“You Do Not Go Alone”

You can watch the service live at this link In recent years, psychologists and public health professionals have been increasingly writing about the epidemic of loneliness sweeping our society. We gather together in church community each week out of a shared commitment spiritual exploration and also to remind ourselves that we do not have to go … Continue reading “You Do Not Go Alone”