Yes on Initiative 1631 — How You Can Help

This initiative, developed by a diverse coalition of social justice, environmental, health, youth, business, labor and other groups, will charge fees on sources of greenhouse gas pollutants. That revenue will be used to expand clean energy like wind and solar and to support a just transition to clean energy for marginalized communities.

Signature-gathering has started and will continue through June, 2018, with 260,000 validated signatures needed to get the initiiative on the ballot. The Snohomish County goal is at least 10-15,000 signatures.  At EUUC, we hope to contribute at least 2000 signatures toward that goal.  If we each collect 5 from family and friends, we can easily do that!

Here’s how YOU can help get this initiative on the ballot:

  • Take a petition packet, gather signatures from family and friends – at work, school, groups, etc. Turn those petitions in ASAP to the Social Justice Desk. An accurate, up-to-date count is essential for planning!
  • Sign up at the Social Justice Desk to gather signatures together at local sites and events. Anyone can participate!  We will connect you with other EUUC folk, or you can also go to the I-1631 event site to find signing opportunities near you.
  • Get trained and then join other committed Edmonds-area Climate Justice Stewards to recruit and lead volunteer signature gathering teams! Climate Justice Stewards are empowered to work independently, collaboratively, and creatively to get this initiative on the ballot. Contact Nancy Johnson with the Peace & Justice committee for training or for more information.
  • Celebrate our success by turning your signed petitions in at our annual Congregational Meeting on May 20!

For policy information, download the fliers below and peruse the Alliance for Clean Energy and Jobs website. CarbonWA has a comparison on recent carbon pricing legislation – and, CarbonWA has endorsed I-1631!  You can also read these FAQs.

Download the graphic fact flier: I-1631_Simple_Graphic_Factsheet.pdf
Download the policy flier: What_does_I-1631_do.pdf
Download the Earth Ministry flier: EM_I-1631_fact_sheet.pdf


Contact the Social Justice Council