What is Referendum 90?
The Social Justice Council and Advocates for Women voted in early September to endorse “Approve Referendum 90” and EUUC has now formally endorsed it as well. Here’s the background. After a hard-fought battle, in 2020 the Washington State legislature passed the Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Act. This Act requires K-12 public schools to provide curricula on human development and reproduction that is
- age-appropriate
- inclusive
- about how to develop healthy behaviors and relationships
- about how to identify and understand the influence of peers, family, community and media on sexual and emotional health
For the younger children (K-3), the learning is focused on topics such as stranger danger, good touch/bad touch and using your words instead of your hands. Many of you may remember this legislation, as our congregation sent over 70 postcards to our state Senators and Representatives through the Lobby Room.
Conservative groups want to rescind the law
Even though parents and guardians may opt their children out of the instruction at any time, a coalition of parents and conservative organizations have decided they should speak for all parents and children and are attempting to rescind the legislation via Referendum 90 by ballot this November. Such so-called veto referendums can be confusing, so here’s the deal: an APPROVE vote will affirm the legislation; a disapprove vote will rescind the legislation.
All children benefit from sex ed
We believe that all children and youth in Washington state deserve access to sex ed – it’s a matter of health and safety! Vote APPROVE on Referendum 90! To pledge to vote to approve visit https://www.approve90wa.org/ .
Information on the Comprehensive Sexual Health Education legislation, including a side-by-side myths vs facts section is available at https://www.sb5395facts.com/.
Contact us
Contact A4W@euuc.org for more information or if you would like to participate in no-contact literature drops or scripted phone/text bank party organized by a coalition of Planned Parenthood, ACLU, NARAL and others. No experience required!
Submitted by Marilyn Parsons and Nancy Dolan