It is very important that every vote is counted in this election, and we need officials to know we are counting on them to Commit to Uphold Democracy. Also, we are counting on media to investigate and report with facts and integrity.
We have made it very easy for you to send emails, asking media and local law enforcement / officials to pledge publicly to Commit to Uphold Democracy. Please do this as soon as possible, to as many of them as you can (you can put multiple addresses in your email). Below you will find a link to a contact info list, and a letter — first, for local law enforcement and officials, and then for media. Select your recipients, from the list, then copy and paste the message into your email. It’s that easy!
(and if you are familiar with Twitter and Facebook, you could use those methods as well!)
Recipient List and Letter for Local Law Enforcement and Officials
Select recipients from this chart, copy this letter into your email, add their and your names, and send!
Dear Xxxxx:
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the freedom of speech, the right to peaceful protest and the right to make a complaint or seek the assistance of our government without fear of reprisal.
I’m asking for a public commitment that you and the people you direct will:
- Respect people’s First Amendment rights when they assemble, use their right of free speech to peacefully protest, and petition the Government to redress grievances.
- Protect people who exercise their First Amendment rights from those who may threaten or use violence against them.
- Uphold their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
- Not issue or follow unconstitutional or unlawful orders.
- Commit, in particular, to protect people of color and marginalized groups.
We appreciate the work you are doing to protect the public from extreme actors while defending our Constitutional rights.
Recipient List and Letter for Local Media
Select recipients from this chart, copy this letter into your email, add their and your names, and send!
Dear Xxxxx:
At this time our country needs journalists who stand up for Democracy and for all of the American people. I ask that in your role as a member of the media you consider the potential for election outcomes that threaten our democratic process.
It is critical that neither candidate impedes the counting of ballots, acts in any manner that unlawfully challenges the outcome, declares a “win” before all votes are counted or encourages violence.
In these difficult times, I ask you to commit to:
- Reporting fair and accurate news.
- Confirming information and verifying sources, even if that delays reporting.
- Providing adequate context to avoid misunderstandings that can heighten anxieties, especially those that can lead to violence.
Your support for these standards is greatly appreciated.