The Lobby Room is one way that EUUC puts Faith into Action. The Lobby Room group has reviewed 2021 bills, especially those recommended by our allies working for Climate Justice, Racial Justice, and for Women and Families. We’ve selected 12 bills to focus on this year. If you want to review those bills, get some talking points, and take action, here is the link. We are a month into the three month session, so it is important to keep these bills moving toward a floor vote.
Join our third Legislative Action Zoom Party Monday, Feb 15 at 4 pm
If you are a novice, we will show you how to get started on contacting your elected officials online (preferred over letters or postcards). We will have a separate breakout room for those who don’t need any help but would like some company, and maybe one for those folks with expertise in between! For the Zoom link, contact We anticipate holding one or two additional Zoom Parties before the legislative session closes.