Policy Management Procedures For the Administrator
Policy approval process
The Administrator plays a vital role in each of the four phases of the process for creating, updating, and deleting policies. These explanations and instructions are written to help the Administrator carry out these tasks.
Preliminary phase
Providing instructions
When the Board decides to create or revise a policy, one of the Board members becomes the sponsor who ushers the policy through the process. The sponsor might contact the Administrator for instructions. Send the sponsor a link to Add or Change a Policy.
GovDocs database
Database input area for draft dates
- In the GovDocs database enter the title, sponsor, and preliminary draft date.
For a new policy the sponsor completes the online form, Request a Policy Number. ( Need to create a form and add a link) You will receive an email with the data that the sponsor entered in the form.
- If this is a new policy, send the policy number to the sponsor.
Approval of the draft
If this is a deletion, skip this step and begin the Feedback Phase.
For new and revised policies, the Board needs to approve the policy draft.
- Open the Word document containing the draft and make sure the date in the footer begins with “Draft: ” and reflects an appropriate date for this preliminary draft.
- Add the preliminary draft to the agenda for the next Board meeting.
Feedback phase
After the Board approves the policy draft during the preliminary phase, the Board Secretary sends the draft to you, and the feedback phase begins.
- Open the policy in Word. Above the policy text enter this information:
- a message telling people to send feedback to the Board
- for policies slated for deletion, a brief statement saying why the policy is no longer required
- In the document footer the date should read “Draft: ” followed by the date.
- Open the GovDocs database and enter the date in the Feedback Draft Date field. This will help you track when the required 30-day feedback period is over.
- Post the draft on the Board News bulletin board and on the website. Web instructions are on the Posting Feedback Drafts page.
- At the end of the feedback period, remove draft policies from the bulletin board and the website. Directions for removing drafts from the website are in Posting Feedback Drafts.
- Notify the Board sponsor that the feedback period is over.
Approval phase
The Board considers any feedback and makes any changes they desire and then vote to approve the policy.
- For new and revised policies change the date in the policy footer to be “Approved: mm/dd/yy” where the date reflects when the Board approved the policy.
- For a new or revised policy save the policy in the Current Policies folder on your computer. For a deleted policy, move the policy from your Current Policies folder to the Deleted Policies folder on your computer.
- Update the GovDocs database.
- The policy title might have changed since you first added the policy.
- Enter the Approval Date and copy the date into one of these fields: Adoption Date, Revision Dates, or Deletion Date.
- Delete any version dates: Preliminary Draft Date, Feedback Date, and Recommended Date.
- Update the Governance Documents binders in the office and in the Lifespan Religious Education Foyer. Print these for the binders:
- Alphabetical List of Current Policies
- approved policy, except for deletions
- If this is a revision or deletion, write “revised on mm/dd/yy” or “deleted on mm/dd/yy” on the outdated version you remove from your Governance Documents binder, and file the paper copy for historical purposes.
- Post the changes to the website.