Stay informed with Email News
If you want to stay informed about what is happening in this congregation, sign up for our news lists. The main source of news is from our e-News list which brings subscribers the weekly bulletin, This Week at EUUC and other lists keep you up to date on specific topics.
We send This Week at EUUC to subscribers. This is the primary news source for what’s happening in this busy congregation. Occasionally, we send special announcements such as alerts about scheduling changes due to snow.
Learn about events and programs for children and youth by subscribing to our Families list.
In your message, please include your children’s names and ages.
To subscribe, contact the Director of Religious Exploration
Climate Justice
Subscribers share information about actions and events related to climate justice. Subscribers can send messages to the list.
Contact the Climate Justice team to subscribe
Legislative Actions
Subscribers receive information about actions they can take in the state legislature related to bills reflecting UU values and the work of our Social Justice committees and teams. Emails are during the Washington State legislative sessions. To subscribe contact the Email Lobby Room Team