Board Meetings
Agenda Items
Any Board member, committee chair or event chair may submit items requiring Board action to the President or a member of the Executive Committee 10 days prior to the Executive Committee meeting with an estimate of the amount of time required to discuss it. Suggested wording of motions in advance of the meeting is helpful and should be included in Board packet. A well-prepared presentation of the pros and cons as seen by the submitter will save the Board time and shorten the meeting. A course of action should be recommended to the Board.
Meeting Procedure
The chalice may be lit and an affirmation statement may be repeated by all. After that a brief personal time may be used for each Board member (members may pass).
Correction and Approval of Minutes of Last Board and Executive Committee Meetings
Board members should read minutes and accompanying materials in advance of the meeting and be prepared to cite the location and rewording of any correction.
Reports from Officers and Minister
Questions may be asked after the reports are given. Long discussion or substantive motions are inappropriate here. If such are necessary, they should be added to the business agenda.
Board Task Force, Liaison or other Reports: Include (1) changes in the committee membership and (2) official activities, plans and recommendations of the committee.
Executive Session
The Board may move into Executive Session when confidential or personal matters need to be discussed.
Time Keeping
A timekeeper may be appointed. The role of timekeeper on agenda items should be rotated among Board members to facilitate timely meetings.
Board Meeting Adjournment
It may be valuable for the Secretary, at the close of the meeting, to recap any actions required before the next meeting. Once all agenda items have been addressed, the meeting should be formally adjourned.
If a chalice has been lit, it should be extinguished and the room returned to its original condition. The goal of Board meetings is not only to conduct the business of the church as effectively as possible, but also to enjoy associations with fellow Board members and to take time to celebrate accomplishments.