In the legendary documentary about house balls and drag culture in the 1990s, Paris is Burning, mainstream America was first introduced to additional meanings for terms such as “read” and “shade”. These essential elements of drag shows and other gatherings of queer communities combine the art of the insult with the prophetic survival tactic of critiquing state power through satire. The library is open: gather for a service of harnessing wisdom from the uniquely Black and queer resistance strategy of reading to widen the circle of justice and community for all.
Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd, MEd, is a Master Credentialed Religious Educator and Aspirant for ministry. He is a doctoral candidate at the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education studying Organizational Change and Leadership. Greg loves to dance and to spend time with his godson, nieces, and nephew. He also works as the Director of Research and Innovation for More Than Sex-Ed, a Greater LA-based sexuality education collective that brings the UUA- and United Church of Christ comprehensive sexuality education curriculum, Our Whole Lives, to schools, home school groups and the greater community.