Advocates for Women

Advocates for Women are passionate about improving the lives of communities by helping women who have been victims of domestic violence, sex trafficking, gender-based discrimination, poor education, societal gender inequalities, and more. They focus their projects on both local and international efforts.

Subscribe to Advocate Updates.

Climate Justice

Subscribers share information about actions and events related to climate justice. Subscribers can send messages to this list. To subscribe contact the Climate Justice list manager.

Corruption of Democracy

This discussion list was expanded from pertaining to the issue of reducing the influence of money in politics to the broader arena of corruption within our democracy. Subscribers can send messages to this list. Subscribe by contacting the Corruption of Democracy list manager.

Interfaith Climate Action News

The Interfaith Climate Action Council is a partnership of a growing number of religious organizations, including Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Congregation. News and events are announced through this email list.

Subscribe to Interfaith Climate Action News.

Legislative Actions

Do you contact your representatives in Congress and in our state legislature about issues you care about? Members of this discussion list post alerts when it is a good time to contact your representatives about important issues. Subscribers can send messages to this list. Subscribe by contacting the Legislative Actions list manager.

Racial Justice News

Do you want to make a positive change for racial justice? Do you support the Black Lives Matter issues? Subscribe to the Racial Justice News to get updates on actions planned by members of our community and other news on this important issue. Read the latest news.

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Sno-King Meaningful Movies Project

The Sno-King Meaningful Movies project shows documentaries every other month. Subscribe to this list to get messages about upcoming films. See the latest news.

Subscribe to Meaningful Movies.

Social Justice Bulletin

You can find news of social justice events in The CommUUnicator (our newsletter), This Week at EUUC, and the Social Justice bulletin board in the Narthex. Additional information, including posts from Cecilia Kingman, the Social Justice Council, and the Social Justice Committees, is available by subscribing to the Social Justice Bulletin. Read the latest news.

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