Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)
UUA supports EUUC
The UUA, headquartered at 25 Beacon Street in Boston, Massachusetts, is an association of UU congregations in the United States. The UUA provides a variety of services to member societies, including:
- Financial assistance
- Guidance for church programming
- Legal counseling
- Assistance in ministerial settlement
Practical guides, such as the Congregational Handbook and Churchworks by Anne Odin Heller (available in the church office) to assist with organizational and policy matters.
The UUA publishes an online annual directory of UU societies and a magazine, the UU World, which is mailed to individual church members six times per year.
The UUA is funded by a variety of sources, including contributions from churches (which is the UUA Annual Program fund), and contributions from individuals.
General Assembly
The annual meeting of the UUA is the General Assembly (GA), held in June in different locations. Each church is allowed lay delegates based on church membership, with a minimum of two. Our church is currently entitled to send six lay delegates and a ministerial delegate to each General Assembly. Our Board encourages participation by including a line item in their budget to help defray expenses for delegates and youth delegates.
The UUA is divided into 5 regions and 19 districts. We are associated with the Pacific Western Region (PWR).