Many UU pieces woven together

EUUC and other congregations belonging to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is an autonomous, locally governed community. The UUA serves its members by providing training, guidelines, best practices, assistance, coordination, communication, and more to leaders, ministers, staff, and members of its associated congregations.

The UUA also has numerous affiliated organizations, such as the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), Standing on the Side of Love, and Beacon Press. Together, EUUC, other UU congregations, the UUA, and its affiliates are the UU umbrella.

Member congregation of the UUA

EUUC is a member society in the UUA and the Pacific Western Region (PWR).


The church is assessed annually for dues to the UUA and PWR based on the number of members in the church; however, it is at the discretion of each autonomous Board as to whether the dues are paid.  These dues are included as a line item in the annual budget proposed by the Board.  Because EUUC pays dues at the suggested level each year, we are recognized as a member of the “Honor Society”.