Gregory Boyd
Gregory Boyd
School electrification can make a big difference in carbon emissions. Not only are school buildings contributing to the 40% of emissions from buildings in Washington State, but diesel school buses also pollute the air inside them and out. Therefore, a focus on decarbonizing schools and student transportation will have the dual benefit of tackling climate … Continue reading Help Us Achieve 100% Clean Energy in Snohomish County School Districts!
Lobby Room is one way that EUUC puts Faith into Action. The Lobby Room group has reviewed 2021 bills, especially those recommended by our allies working for Climate Justice, Racial Justice, and for Women and Families. We’ve selected 12 bills to focus on this year and some of them have now passed both chambers! These … Continue reading Lobby Room on the Home Stretch – Take Action Now!
Oh, my friends! Until we meet again, may love keep you safe, well, happy, curious, and bold! By the time you read this I will be on the verge of, or just over the line of, starting a four-month sabbatical that begins in April and ends on the first day of August. I am both … Continue reading Praxis – Until We Meet Again
One year ago, we were preparing for our Senior Minister, the Rev. Eric Kaminetzky, to go on sabbatical for four months. Plans were being laid–and then suddenly, there was a global pandemic, a statewide lockdown, and the very real fear that Covid-19 would reach its grip into our own congregation. Eric agreed to postpone his … Continue reading Faithful Path – 4/21
Look at a few news articles and observe their layout. The title is at the top and then there is an opening paragraph. After that the post is usually divided into sections with headers (short posts may not need headers). Scanning the headers the reader sees the outline of your post. The post is broken … Continue reading Practice for Vicky
EUUC has an active Social Justice program with activities aimed at local community engagement, climate and racial justice and intersectional justice for women. Every Sunday offering goes out to do good in the world. You can find out more on the Social Justice home page. The Lobby Room – working towards justice and equity through … Continue reading Social Justice – Faith in Action
Writing on the morning of the Winter Solstice, I am filled with gratitude for you, Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Congregation folk. Your stubborn good will, your passionate pursuit of your values, your commitment to making our Mission live in the world, and your generosity of spirit, effort, and money, have been bringing this congregational dream come … Continue reading Praxis – Gratitude & Apology
I thought I would be feeling excited as we approached the end of 2020. I thought that turning into this new year would feel like a fresh start. But I find that I am not happy hearted just yet. Yes, our hard work has paid off and we have a new administration set to enter … Continue reading Faithful Path – 12/20