Tag: electrification

Help Us Achieve 100% Clean Energy in Snohomish County School Districts!

School electrification can make a big difference in carbon emissions. Not only are school buildings contributing to the 40% of emissions from buildings in Washington State, but diesel school buses also pollute the air inside them and out. Therefore, a focus on decarbonizing schools and student transportation will have the dual benefit of tackling climate … Continue reading Help Us Achieve 100% Clean Energy in Snohomish County School Districts!

EUUC Signs Letters to Biden and Washington State re Fossil Fuels and Electrification

This week the Peace & Justice committee voted to add EUUC’s name to two letters: A letter to President Biden demanding that he use his executive authority to stop fossil fuel projects, end oil and gas drilling on public lands and waters, and declare a national climate emergency. Requested by the UUA Side with Love’s Create … Continue reading EUUC Signs Letters to Biden and Washington State re Fossil Fuels and Electrification