Author: Rachel Maxwell

We consider the adoption of the Eighth Principle

We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

The Racial Justice Committee … read more.

Submit your Fund-a-Need proposals by February 1, 2024

The Finance Committee is seeking proposals for the Fund-a-Need auction item. We have raised tens of thousands of dollars to fund improvements to our buildings through Fund-a-Need at our auction. Recent Fund-a-Need projects include the Enhancing our Spaces effort, the loft upgrade, and new furniture … read more.

Building Improvements – Gratitude!

There have been changes in Admin end of the building.  The RE office has been enlarged to give Cecilia and her crew more space.  The long narrow janitor’s closet has been incorporated into the new office.   The waiting area has been … read more.

Become a Chalice Lighter


The Pacific Northwest District of the UUA Chalice Lighter Program assists Unitarian Universalist member congregations in the Pacific Northwest with grants to provide vital capabilities and infrastructure.

Chalice Lighter grants are intended to help congregations grow by:

securing, improving or furnishing a building
reaching out to the community … read more.

Community Engagement Committee – It Takes a Village

Since its creation about 40 years ago, the Community Engagement Committee, (formely the Social Concerns committee) has provided volunteer and financial assistance to numerous local organizations, primarily with a focus on alleviating poverty. Community Engagement serves as the hub for EUUC’s involvement in many projects, … read more.